

What is attractive about a man?

Let’s say that you want to impress a woman that you meet in a club. You go to her and you want to convince her that she must sleep with you. Or that she should accept a date with you the next day.

What do you do to achieve this? Do you tell her a joke, directly ask for a date, compliment, or offer her a drink? What do you do, more precisely, in order to impress her and show her what an attractive and charismatic man you are?

Well, you can do pretty much everything I just described previously. Any one of those actions are good, especially if you combine and adapt them on the type of woman you meet. The secret is how you do that. The attitude and behavior you exert during those actions are extremely important. Essential and vital, I would say.
When you say a joke, you have to be capable to laugh at yourself if the joke doesn’t hit its mark. If you compliment her, do it in an intelligent manner that will make her curious and intrigued. Offer her a drink in a charismatic and impressionable way. Let her be the judge of your character but do your best!

In other words, your attitude has to be a self-confident one, as the masculine man that you are. You should be confident in your actions. You are very sure that you want to impress her and you’re also certain that you will impress her. You master your own actions and emotions, what you say and what you do. Simply giving her your attention should make her realize how important you are.

Be direct, but you have to do it charismatically. You shouldn’t give off the impression that you’re desperate for pussy. Which you most likely are. But that’s not the point. There are a ton of pussy-craved fanatics who are clear about their motivations, and no one’s paying attention to them.
You need to be different, the kind of man that would offer protection and safety to a woman. You can impress any woman in an intelligent, charismatic and attractive manner. You don’t have to use cheap tricks, bad compliments and a show of power to impress a woman, though.

Women love masculinity

Any woman loves men because of their manliness. They have manly characteristics that make them men, not women. We’re talking about heterosexuals here, obviously. And the most common characteristics of men are:

- Initiative

- Masculinity

- Roughness

- The impression of aggressiveness

- Self-mastery

- A fighter’s spirit

- Pragmatism

These traits come in various doses depending on the man, but most of them have these traits. A woman is emotional, malleable and weak when confronted with dangers and life challenges. She’s looking for a protector, someone to offer her safety, someone who can make her feel good with herself.
Being masculine doesn’t mean you have to be an impulsive and aggressive jerk, though. It certainly doesn’t mean you have to pick on people or start fights out of the blue to prove your manliness. Being masculine means trusting in your quality of man, in your actions and in your opinions. A masculine man assumes responsibility for his actions and he never backs off from a confrontation.

When he does, he has a good plain in mind. He’s mature and he masters his own emotions to fulfill a definitory role in a relationship. Clearly, he knows how to amuse people, to have fun, and to relax. However, he does it reasonably, not impulsively. Impulsivity isn’t masculine at all because it shows lack of control.
Since a woman is looking for protection and safety from a man, impulsiveness and unpredictability will make her leave your side. Being impulsive as a man is a show of immaturity, eventually. It’s not attractive at all, perhaps only by frivolous women who get impressed by the first punk that they meet up with. Obviously, both men and women can have bad tastes when it comes to attractiveness toward the opposite sex.

How can you showcase your own masculinity?

If you want to impress a woman and convince her to sleep with you, things are pretty simple. You need to know how to showcase your masculinity and your attractive traits. A woman loves certain traits from a man’s behavior, attitude and personality. You need to be natural, but if your natural state is an unacceptable one, you should polish your personality. Become masculine by acting in a masculine way and by following examples set by masculine men.

You need to practice certain behaviors until they become automatic. You should learn how to think in a masculine way and how to react like a real man, as well. A woman will notice the difference between fakery and natural grace but that matters less. It’s not the point. You need to progress on this path of becoming a new man. So, go to the woman that caught your attention, be direct and tell her what you want from her. However, don’t forget to pay her a few subtle compliments now and then so that she feels good with herself.

One of the biggest mistakes most men make is showcase their own traits and brag endlessly without thinking of why they’re speaking to a woman. They even manage to insult that woman indirectly a few times instead of impressing her. Don’t forget, this isn’t about you but about her. You need to speak to her because she’s the one you need to impress.

If you make her feel good with herself so that she enjoys your company, you’ve already won 50% of the race. The rest is up to you and the way you carry on with the conversation. A piece of advice would be to never hesitate to progress with the relationship when it seems alright. If you hesitate and you don’t take the initiative to progress and advance the relationship, then you’re going to lose that chance eventually. Your woman will get bored.