

The outside isn’t the most important, but…

We all keep some standards in mind when looking for the ideal partner, and physical appearance is also somewhere on the list. As superficial as it may seem, this is reality. Every day, even if on a subconscious level, we check out or judge people around us because of their appearance, people whom we may not necessarily know.
Men do it, women do it, everybody does it. Whoever says that looks don’t matter, at least at first sight, is just lying to themselves. There’s a silver lining to all of this, though! After all, sayings such as “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” or “there’s no accounting for taste” exist for a reason.

You don’t have to come straight off the catwalk in order to be attractive for women, and the same applies for the ladies, too. We all make exceptions. Taking all of this into account, it’s plain wrong to expect people to love and admire you for “who you are”, without thinking about ever making an effort.

Just because it seems unfair to you, this doesn’t change the way in which the world works. Even though there are some cases deviating from the norm, we can definitely say, for example, that the vast majority of people will see a physically fit and outwardly healthy-looking person as more attractive than they would an overweight one.
When someone puts in the effort to groom and look after themselves, it shows they have high self-esteem and self-respect. The same person can be seen by their peers, and society at large, in completely different ways, depending on how they appear on the outside. Often times, on a subconscious level, clothes do make the man, and the first impression is extremely important.

You don’t have to become a metrosexual or to spend a fortune, though. The mere fact that you try to groom yourself and polish your looks will suggest to others around you that you take yourself seriously, which brings us to the next point…

The way you see and wear yourself is 80% of the equation

As we’ve already established, physical appearance is not completely irrelevant, but it isn’t the most important either. It’s got less to do with what you wear, and more to do with how you wear it. Do you have low self-esteem? Do you doubt yourself and find it hard standing your ground in an argument? Do you ever wish you were someone else? Do you have insecurities that keep you back? All these things are easy to spot by women.

Bad posture, your gestures and facial expressions, not keeping eye contact—all these details stand out and say “low self-esteem”. You must, above all else, accept that you have flaws, just like everybody else. You shouldn’t chase perfection. Just let go and take it easy. Ignore negative opinions that don’t serve you in any way.
Learn to accept constructive criticism. Get out of your comfort zone and stop being so hard on yourself. A bashful and self-conscious person isn’t attractive to anyone, no matter the gender. As a matter of fact, the most attractive thing in a person is confidence.

What do you think? Will a woman prefer a shy, introverted man? One who chooses to blend in with the crowd, going unnoticed? Or would she rather go after the sociable, self-assured man who can follow his goals and passion, without caring about what others think?

Anyone would prefer being around a visibly content person, who doesn’t overthink and worry about the smallest critique or nasty look. So, keep your head high, walk with confidence, and don’t let anyone trample over you. Learn how to be more imposing, and live your life to the max.

With regards to relationships, opposites attract

Men and women are extremely different, but these differences make everything exciting and interesting. In a relationship, each gender seeks, on a subconscious level, a partner who will complete them, bringing something the other is lacking. Both genders have their specific needs in a relationship, and whoever can fulfil these needs the best, has the greatest potential to be the chosen one.

Well, women are more sensitive, emotional, and soft. They don’t have the same physical and emotional strength that men do. They need a partner who can take care of them, to help them face stressful, complicated situations.

A stoic man who doesn’t lose his temper during hard times, who doesn’t show fear or cowardice when it comes to taking responsibility, is an attractive man. If a woman sees you’re responsible, brave, and a good leader, she will feel attracted to you, because she will sense she’s able to rely on you.

It’s important for you to develop your masculine qualities, if you want to be a potential partner for her. If you can command respect from those around you, women will see you differently. So where should you start? First of all, never be passive or weak-willed.

Work on shaping your own destiny and never wait for things to just happen to you. Nothing great comes without hard work, especially when talking about success in relationships or professional life. When a woman sees you’re determined to reach your goals and that you take everything you do seriously, she will see the potential in a relationship with you.

Second of all, but most importantly—don’t be a loser! This is also tied to the previous point. Don’t avoid competition. If you feel irritated when someone’s better than you, don’t let this pull you down! Every failure or shortcoming can be turned around, and you can learn a lot from them. While success is indeed impressive and demands respect, lack of success isn’t the end of the world, nor does it make you a loser.

Status, or lack thereof, doesn’t make you a loser either. A loser is a man who gives up, who cries and moans, and who is too lazy to work on improving himself. For any woman out there, there’s nothing more repulsive than a loser. So get back up, give your best, and always aim higher than last time.