

It all comes down to millennials

Just so you know what we are talking about, millennials are also known as Generation Y and they are the direct descendants of the Generation X, from before the 70s. As a result, millennials are the pussified generation born between late 80s and early 2000s. I am not entirely positive how the post-2000 generation is called, but I don’t think they are called either way yet, seeing as they are still kids as we speak. Teenagers at most.

But the today’s world is being fucked and double fucked, figuratively speaking, by millennials. And today we are going to analyze why the pussified generation fucks less today than their parents, their grandparents and even the fucking primates that preceded humanity altogether.

A 20 to 30 years old millennial has no idea how a cunt looks like, even if you were to draw one for him. And, naturally, this makes you wonder – What the fuck happened? When did pussy started being outdated? Well, the truth is it is not the pussy that has grown outdated, but men. I mean real men, the type of which you don’t get to see too often, because of the fucking millennials taking over the world, man.

What is a millennial and why doesn’t he get any pussy?

Millennials are those chubby guys you see behaving feminine, emotional and sensitive. They are the white-knights protecting and respecting women no matter what, because this is what a real man is supposed to be doing as a full-time job.

In principle, there are various aspects that help define what a millennial looks like:

- Overly sensitive and emotional

- They always defend women, no matter the context

- They believe being a man is inherently bad, because…no idea why, just fuck logic

- They believe women are born to be adored and respected and never fucked

In this situation, it isn’t too hard to understand why most millennials have never seen a pussy in their entire lifetime. Plus, just to add a bit more salt on the wound, these creeps do everything in their power to disengage their manhood, as if they would do everything they can to never fuck a woman in their lives.

Aside from the fact that they don’t do workouts at all, outside, maybe meditation, yoga or any other type of similar faggotry, they also victimize themselves. Because what is a millennial without attention-whoring? Now, I half get it. I really do. You don’t want to behave like a man, so you don’t do sport so your testosterone level won’t increase. I get that.

But the real problem here is victimization. All men are abusers and millennials are the only ones that are capable of seeing the truth. And by the fact that they self-flagellate about being men is a signal that both they and women are victims of a patriarchal system, when male brutes rule the show.

What does this ideology leads to? No fucking pussy. It is extremely simple and I will explain why.

What is the male ideal in women’s mind?

You see, the main problem here is that, through the millennial generation, we have come to a deformation of the understanding of the social roles men and women play in the society. Not that they should play, but those that the do play. And from a natural standpoint, women don’t want millennials as lovers.

If you ask feminists what they would look for in a guy, they will tell you that they want precisely what millennials represent. However, feminists are almost exclusively single. Which is kind of paradoxical, given that they are always surrounded by white-knights, right? Now why is that?

I will tell you why. Because, regardless what they say they want, it doesn’t coincide with what they truly want. Let me explain that to you by providing you with the exact features a woman is looking for in a man:

1. Good physique, handsome man

The famous „It doesn’t matter how you look, it is the inner beauty that counts” horseshit is just that – an utter horseshit. Their male ideal is the one that includes a 6 feet man, handsome, with strong muscles and a pristine physique.

2. Confidence and charisma

As you may know, confidence and charisma are closely related to the level of testosterone in males. And, although they will never recognize it, this is incredibly arousing to females. You cannot change your nature and the way you function. All you can do is pretend. Fake it.

3. Initiative

Women like being spoiled and cared for. Sure, both millennials and feminists try to push this narrative that women are equally ambitious as men are. Which is fucking false, because they are not. They would rather have their man do the work for them. Which is okay, because this is how we function as individuals.

So what is it they don’t like? Well, they don’t like the feminized man, sensitive and sentimental, the one that speaks in poetry and idolizes the pussy.

What can be done?

To be honest with you, not much, really. The entire problem with the today’s young generation is that it is still being mostly formed out of millennials born close to the 2000s. And we seem to go through this autistic educational system where we teach our kids it is bad to be a man and that men are inherently evil and there is nothing that can be done about that. Except admit it.

The way I see it, it is completely irrelevant whether millennials fuck less than their ancestors or less than contemporary non-millennials. This isn’t a problem I care too much about. You don’t like pussy? Fine. You are born with two hands for a reason. Use them properly until you will reach your mid 40s and you will end up depressed and alone, wondering what did you do to screw up your life that bad.

For the rest of you fuckers out there, what can I say? The world if filled with steaming pussy. Go for it!