

What is lovemaking?

Lovemaking is something you do with a loved one, a wife or a girlfriend. Better yet, your partner. It’s important because it gives you the kind of satisfaction that you’d otherwise not be able to feel. The feelings and emotions involved in lovemaking send you into a state of happiness that you can’t emulate by sleeping with someone else. Only the one you love can make you feel thoroughly satisfied, emotionally speaking.

This isn’t just about fulfilling your sexual instincts or your perverted desires of sleeping with a woman. This isn’t the most important thing in a relationship. If it were, it wouldn’t make much sense for love relationships to exist. However, they do, and the reason for this is that emotions make it possible. Love, affection for a partner, these allow you to find a form of unique happiness.

Therefore, lovemaking is not identical to the sex you make to fulfill your physical cravings. You can’t say you’re making love to an escort thanks to emotions and love feelings, or that the act itself makes you feel special or appreciated. Indeed, you might feel good in the passionate and warm embrace of a sexual master but that’s about it.

If you want to feel the genuine throes of passionate love and sexual consummation, you’d better find that one person that you want to live with for the rest of your life. Then, you’ll start noticing the difference between lovemaking and instinctual sex. Anyone experiments the latter, but the former is much harder to discover, and that’s what gives it value.

How do you make love?

From then on, we’ll refer to the act of making sex as making love. Good, so how exactly do you make love to someone, and with whom? Nothing simpler – you make love out of love, and you make it to your lover. Simple, right? All jokes aside, it’s really nothing complicated but you’d have a hard time understanding if you haven’t made love before. You should first find a girlfriend, and do the following things:

- Let yourself be engulfed in affection for your partner
- Learn to appreciate and love her
- Notice how you feel when you make her happy
- Think how it would be to make love to her
- If it send shivers down your spine, do it

At the same time, your partner needs to involve herself just as much as you, if not more. This is because women generally bring many feelings and emotions in a relationship. They revitalize and bring light into the couple life through their sensitivity and emotiveness. As a man, you shouldn’t be as emotional as your partner. Actually, this would make you less desirable because women dislike emotional men.

You can make love anywhere, at any time, as long as you make it to someone you love. It’s all about the partner you make it with, actually. This is the difference between instinctual sex and lovemaking – the feelings of love between partners. You can’t really say you love the girl who’s been eyeing you in the club, could you? You only want to fuck her and blow her minds until she forgets her name. But it’s not love.

The difference between lovemaking and sex

The difference between the two is like the distinction between the dry and tasteless burger you buy from a two-dime fast-food, and the Big Tasty from McDonald’s. It’s all about quality – you eat the former because you’re hungry but the latter, you want and like to eat that one. It’s about pleasure because you like the McDonald’s much more, once you try it.

If you’re still single or a virgin, I suggest you focus on that. Not on sex but on finding a partner. The sex will come at the right time, but finding an ideal partner is not that easy. Although it should be, if you check the following boxes:

- Be masculine and confident
- Be optimistic, and take on a winner’s attitude
- Be brave, and take the initiative when you’re given a chance
- Don’t hesitate because that shows your weakness
- Get out of your comfort zone to score big

Enjoy the pleasure of lovemaking

Now you fully understand the pleasure between sex and lovemaking, between instinctual sex and emotional one. You can be enthusiastic about the moment when you’ll experience this. If you already did but couldn’t see the difference, then you need to learn how to appreciate those moments with your partner. Try to enhance your sexual relationship with her help, and see what she’s capable of.

Who knows, maybe she’ll surprise you with her sexual potential. Perhaps you had no idea about her limits before asking her. Maybe she was hesitating in sharing these things with you because she was afraid. This is why communication is vital in a relationship, no matter the situation. Without communication, a relationship goes down the drain faster than the Western society in the face of immigrants.

If you want to make love to your partner, you need to communicate and speak to her, to build a feeling of love and affection. No relationship ever progresses if both partners are passive. Mutual understanding is very important in any relationship between men and women. Sex enhances a relationship, and give you emotional release. However, the compatibility between partners makes all of this possible. So, go and sweep your woman off her feet, and give her an unforgettable night.

If you do this, then you won’t have to wonder what other people mean when they’re saying lovemaking is the best. Only when you experience this for yourself can you truly understand how passionate and intense it is. Not only are the emotions intoxicating but the physical pleasure is amplified as well. You’ll feel much more satisfied and pleased at the end of it. Moreover, you know she’s going to feel even more satisfied and happy with the relationship. A woman needs physical release, and if you want to seal the deal with her, I suggest you make love to her.