

What is sex?

Sex is the act by which you satisfy your sexual desires alongside someone of the opposite sex. Or someone of the same sex, though we’ll assume you’re fucking someone of the opposite sex. So, as a man, you’re having sex with a woman because you like and because you want to satisfy your physical cravings. The same happens for women. It’s about pleasure, instincts and immediate gratification.

There is no exchange of feelings, passion or quality prelude. It all boils down to the animalic act of sex, that of satisfying the physical needs. Of course, most people add a few emotions and passions somewhere in this process, but not enough for it to be called love. You have sex with someone you just met in a club where you went specifically to hook up with a woman who wants to have irresponsible sex.

As a man, you can fuck many women this way if you know a few basic things. Here they are:

- Masculinity attracts women

- Self-confidence intrigues them

- Courage and self-esteem conquer them

- Good skills in bed hypnotize them

So, there are a few traits that, when used by an intelligent man, can help you seduce most women who are interested in a good fuck. Masculinity, self-confidence and courage are tightly related to one another, and usually, once you’re masculine, you’re also courageous and self-confident. These traits will bring you any woman you want in your bed, as long as you know how to use them.

What is love?

To make love might sound similar to having sex but both processes involve different nuances and shades which become important in time. When you make love to someone, you have to have deep feelings for that person. Most likely, we’re talking about your own partner, a wife or a girlfriend. Passion, feelings of love, affection and all that, they transform simple sex into lovemaking. This is where prelude or foreplay comes into play, which becomes more defined when you’re making love.

As a man, you need to be interested in satisfying your partner, and this is the reason for which you initiate a detailed foreplay. Cuddling, slow kissing, soft touches and so on. Only if you’re making love are you interested in doing this type of foreplay because when it comes to sex, things are much simpler. Both of you want to have a good time and get it over with as soon as possible. The more important things only obtain their significance when you’re making love to your partner.

If you want to make love to your partner, you don’t simply go to her, pull her hair, fuck her for five minutes and then ejaculate inside of her. That’s not love, it’s animalic sex. Perhaps some women are into that sort of thing but most of them aren’t. Alternatively, you can go to her and start a quality foreplay which will eventually turn into sex. Haste doesn’t lead to anything good other than disaster, and it inhibits the sexual satisfaction. No one wants an unsatisfied woman around the house, right? A sexual relationship is an integral part of a romantic relationship, though.

The lack of sexual satisfaction leads to indigestion

Despite how funny and weird it sounds, a lack of sexual satisfaction doesn’t lead to indigestion. However, it can lead to plenty of hard feelings and negative attitudes such as frustration and frigidity. If your woman isn’t sexually satisfied with the sex (or lovemaking) you’re throwing at her, you’ll start noticing this the next time you ask her to make you a sandwich. Generally, a sexually unsatisfied woman is pissed off easily, frustrated and volcanic. Her emotions turn into gunpowder that’s ready to explode at the slight spark.

If you want to avoid needless conflicts and hard feelings from your woman, you’d do better to upgrade your skills in bed. This will make your woman appreciate you more, and your marriage will be a happier one, without all the womanly fuss all around the house. You can see from a mile away when a woman is in dire need of sex and/or affection. In most cases, the lack of affection or a good prelude can be a problem. A big one from what you can see.

However, a woman must play an important part during sex. Usually, she’s the passionate one who gives emotional meaning to a relationship. This is where tastes and personality come into play. Some women like being more submissive and expect their partners to do all the work, while others are extremely dominative and they want to dictate everything during sex.

How to make love instead of having sex

We’ve already explained what sex and lovemaking are. Simply put, to make love, you have to be passionate and have deep feelings for the other person. Sex only implies a lucky meeting in a public space and common interests or sexual compatibility. By sex, we satisfy your sexual needs and physical instincts. This is nothing else than a release of pressure, a pleasure that we fulfill ourselves. And we can do it with anyone, even including escorts.

On the other hand, you can only make love to your partner or wife. From sex, it becomes lovemaking when you nurture feelings toward your partner. It’s not a simple physical act anymore because it begets psychological, passional and romantic nuances as well. You’ll have a happy and sexually satisfied woman who’s ready to give you an unforgettable night. That’s just because you were passionate and romantic. These two aspects are the very essence of lovemaking.

Only when you learn how to make love instead of sex can you say you’ve earned yourself a position among normal men. Women want a masculine man, with an elevated self-esteem first and foremost. However, what they want even more is a passionate man who can make them happy in bed. Romanticism and passion, knowledge about a quality foreplay, these traits will make out of you a man every woman wants. Especially your partner who has come to know the difference between common sex and lovemaking on her own body.