

At what point is a relationship getting sick?

Any relationship can get to a point of no return where both partners bicker for various reasons. Generally, one of them isn’t satisfied with the other or with the direction that the relationship is heading toward. Both men and women are responsible for the progress of a relationship, in terms of communication and living together. Waving away this responsibility to each other is a stupid strategy that generally ends with unhappiness.

There are as many reasons for the emergence of relationship issues as there are blades of grass on a field. However, we can compress all of them into a few categories:

- Communication issues

- The lack of common aspirations

- The inadequate behavior of one party

- Personal issues or the lack of satisfaction with the couple life

- Bad sex

- Lifestyle stagnation

If you want to foresee and plan ahead for these issues, you should be clear on the type of relationship you and your partner share. How do you two communicate, and how do you solve problems when they appear? Moreover, be aware if she’s irritated or annoyed with you for any reason whatsoever, and if you can change something.

The failure of communication

I’ve heard embarrassing and absurd stories about unhappy couples that ended up breaking up because they had communication issues. The truth is you can have as many common goals with your partner as you want. If you can’t get your points through or end up getting insulted instead, the situation keeps getting worse off with time. There’s nothing you can do except become impervious to the offences, which is a shitty solution, or leave.

Eventually, one of you will garner tons of toxic feelings, irritation, and annoyances. A barrier appears between partners. Ideally, you should do everything in your power to prevent the situation from ever devolving to this level. It’s not that difficult to avoid this catastrophe, actually. As a man, you have certain advantages that a woman doesn’t – more rationality and pragmatism. Emotions are second-rate tools for you, especially when taking big decisions.

Stay calm in any situation, no matter how bad you’re battered. Instead of allowing yourself to be distracted by external factors such as an angry woman screaming like crazy, look for a solution. Your partner will generally tend to go batshit crazy whenever the situation overwhelms her on an emotional level. Make her understand you’re the voice of reason, and that she should listen to you.

Simply because you should be less emotional and impulsive, the chances that you’ll escalate an argument are minimal. A woman is much more easily determined to reach exaggerated conclusions because of her emotional and irrational nature. Communication requires calmness, rationality, and efficiency. In other words, you need to lead the discussion and reach a series of pertinent conclusions. Clearly, you should consult her as well. That is, until you realize that a woman is less aware of the implications and repercussions of many actions or events.

Bad sex

You have no idea how important sex is in a relationship. Maybe you’re thinking that it’s just a supplementing factor that brings something extra to a relationship. However, the sexual life is one of the essential aspects to a relationship. Each man and woman has physical needs, and that’s nothing surprising, I hope. Obviously, these needs don’t just disappear when two people get together.

Quite the opposite, they get even stronger thanks to the emotional attachment. Lovemaking is superior to plain-old sex. Through lovemaking, two partners demonstrate their attachment, devotion, and love toward each other. A bad sexual life leads to irritability, the lack of overall satisfaction, hard feelings, and so on. It’s a recipe for disaster, in other words.

Think of the last time you’ve rumbled with your girl in the sheets. How did it all go down? In the end, was she satisfied or did she prefer to remain silent and grumpy? How enthusiastic was she during the act? All these questions lead to a series of vital answers that will reveal the state of your sexual life. If your woman isn’t satisfied with you fuck her, she has tons of ways to show that.

To solve the sexual issues, answer the questions I’ve raised. A woman needs affection, tenderness, love, and this is best reflected in her sexual needs. Excepting the sadists and masochists out there, most women need love, not sex. Making love is very different to simple fucking. In other words, don’t simply expect her to be satisfied with just an orgasm or two.

Mediocre professional prospects

The older people get and the more they analyze their lives, hard feelings and regrets tend to appear. If you’ve been together for many years but your lifestyle hasn’t improved substantially, your partner might have hard feelings toward you. This is even truer if you’ve been largely responsible for the important changes in both of your lives.

Try making more substantial future plans and think of your options, especially if you still have time to accomplish great things. Don’t let yourself be taken down by routine or failures. A relationship starts slowly but then becomes faster and faster the more both of you work together. Professional prospects are extremely important to attain relationship happiness. If your lifestyle is mediocre and substandard, happiness is simply an illusory dream. There will always be arguments, conflicts, annoyances, and the relationship will fall apart.

However, as long as you both have potential and make the right choices, everything will come back on track quickly enough. All that matters is that you, as a man, are persistent, ambitions, and extremely resilient to difficulties and failures. Your partner can offer you understanding, comfort, and affection but you’re responsible for bringing a change. The desire to work together and understand each other should be strong enough in both of your cases. So, if you’re having problems communicating with your partner, think about what you’re doing wrong. Think of what you could change, and how that would impact the relationship from that point on.