

The feminine woman and the masculine woman

The feminine woman is the one we all know and love – classic, loving, emotional, and the origin of happiness in a relationship. Without women, the world would be a much darker, lifeless place. We’ve all gotten used to the idea of a classic woman, and we can’t see the world populated by other types of women. Not because we’re enclosed in a limited bubble, but because this classic woman is functional in society. By feminine woman, we refer to a woman who works casually and who emphasizes family. Her goal in life is to be part of a family and to be loved by her partner. Obviously, there are countless businesswomen who excel in their own fields, and who don’t give a flying fuck about family.

It’s their choice to do so, but we shouldn’t misunderstand this. The fact that some women choose to do this doesn’t mean that all women should do this. The masculine woman who penetrates the man-dominated work fields and sacrifices everything for her job is just as big an abomination as the sensitive and emasculated man. You don’t have to be a genius to deduce that their happiness is short-lived and even unsatisfying. Most women have certain biological and psychological underpinnings. This defines their unconscious life. They want to have a family, to love and to be loved, not to compete against men in harsh and aggressive environments.

The businesswoman places her hopes in finding fulfillment through professional accolades. Some women actually achieve that goal. However, this doesn’t have to be elevated to an ideal for all women because not all of them want that. Most women find their satisfaction in family life, not in corporate competitiveness. Many women don’t even want to know how they can excel in their fields. They’re thankful and happy with the part they play in the family life. There is a very clear demarcation in life goals between a feminine and masculine woman.

Why is a businesswoman unhappy?

Personally, I think that very few women are happy being corporate workers. As long as a woman sacrifices the potential of having a family for anything, she can’t be wholly happy. That’s because women are built in such a way that she can only be functional and happy in specific ways. Social roles, even if they adapted to modern times and women’s rights, are still functional and essential. A man has his social role and hardships to go through. He’s the formal protector of a household, securing his partner’s safety. Women bring inner beauty, happiness, joy, and vitality to a relationship. She breathes new life into relationships. A single man can’t have a functional relationship without a woman.

He needs a stable woman who accepts her role as a feminine woman. A businesswoman, on the other hand, has masculine expectations and reactions. She’s dominative and imposing. Clearly, she’ll need a slightly sensitive and weaker man who accepts this dominant behavior. The roles are reversed, and men are weak and feeble, while women are dominative, manly, and aggressive. Things get fucked up by the day. This type of relationship is dysfunctional, given all the things we know about men and women. These relationships don’t work because they were never meant to work in society. Masculine men and effeminate men only have dysfunctional relationships.

A businesswoman can only find her happiness if she gives up on her corporatist ideals, and accept her role as a family woman. She can still earn an income but she doesn’t have to idealize her job. This only applies to men, who are more prepared and willing to accept the stress and compromises necessary for success. Moreover, a man feels much more at home in a competitive and aggressive environment where power rules. Women should avoid this type of environment because it goes against their very nature.

The destruction of the myth

Just as the ideal of sensitive men is spreading around, the same applies for ideals about businesswomen who willingly enter men-dominated environments. These are just myths born out of ignorance and misplaced ideas. A man has to be masculine, self-confident, rational, and practice. He’s the head of the family, the initiator of success, and the provider of stability and safety in a family. His role is that of a protector in society. Alternatively, a woman brings happiness, enthusiasm, emotions, and joy to live in a relationship and in society. Women are just as important as men, just in different ways.

There are no relationships with men or women alone. They both need each other to create a functional relationship. And a functional relationship is formed from a masculine man and an emotional and understanding woman. The classic and traditional family ideal is functional at present, because women already have the same rights as men. We don’t have to change the paradigm to have functional relationships. The reason why so many relationships fail today is that the partners are imperfect themselves. The man can be completely lacking in empathy, he can be rude, violent, so on and so forth. This is typical stuff that men are known to possess, bad traits we can call them.

On the other hand, the woman can be mouthy, lacking in compassion or understanding, immature, and selfish. With such personalities, a functional relationship becomes nothing but a good night’s story for these two. Men need to rein in their women and teach them the proper ways of things, if need be. If you can’t control your own woman, that’s your own fault. In fact, women don’t necessarily have to check off some traits on a list. As long as she’s young and she can be taught, a man can educate her and keep her in check. Their future is much more promising. As long as the guy is sane, reasonable, understanding, and he has healthy principles, everything should work out just fine. If he can’t rein in his woman, things will get fucked up in the future.