

Lack of communication between partners

Most of us keep relationships as a main goal in life, but it’s not always easy being happy in one, even if you have a partner by your side. It’s easiest to start a relationship, but it’s way more difficult to keep it running in the long run. Long-term relationships are complicated and they imply compromises and effort on behalf of both partners.

One of the most important things that can assure long-term success for a relationship is communication between partners. If you feel uneasy about being honest with your woman, it will be difficult to express your expectations and your disagreements. The same applies to women as well, because they usually tend to keep it all to themselves and become passive aggressive when something goes wrong.

Both partners have to show maturity and seriousness when it comes to more delicate discussions. These tense moments shouldn’t have to escalate and become fights, but partners shouldn’t feel constrained to hide their dissatisfactions either, just because they fear a hypothetical conflict. Neutral remarks and constructive criticism make a good way of letting your partner know certain details he or she may have missed before.

Compromise is the most important step that a couple can take to solve their compatibility problems or their diverging opinions. It must come from both sides, and it should never be forced. When one of the partners has things they don’t like, but which they choose to overlook, the couple will never get to the root of the issue.
With time, regrets and frustration will start developing, and they will become harder and harder to ignore. It happens in many cases where communication in the relationship is inadequate. Love can turn into contempt, and conflicts will arise out of nothing, because somebody is walking around with a chip on their shoulder.

Conflicting desires between partners

Sometimes, despite common effort, it is difficult for partners to reach a common ground. This can especially be the case when both partners have extremely different plans in life. If we’re talking about two mentally incompatible people, it becomes very hard to find harmony in such a couple. There comes a time when you get over your sexual attraction towards a person, and you must invest something more into your relationship.

Sometimes, it might just happen for her and your ideals to run counter to one another. It’s tough trying to reconcile two very different lifestyles, and if one of the partners has to sacrifice too much, then dissatisfaction is inevitable.

Apart from incompatibility, another thing that can ruin a couple’s relationship prospects is inflexibility. No matter how well intended both partners are, when it comes to well-established and rigid wishes in life, it will be very difficult to find a middle ground. When you have to sacrifice something so significant, it’s extremely important for you to be highly adaptable to novelty.

If neither of the partners is willing to sacrifice some of their desires in order to satisfy the other’s needs, then we can definitely say their priorities are focused more on the self, rather than on the relationship.

Lack of understanding

Inflexibility can also intervene in other situations, apart from those that require compromise in the relationship. The general attitude of partners can break a relationship much faster than differences of opinion. In situations when one of the partners reacts in an exaggerated manner to the smallest mistake, or when he or she feels the need to criticize the smallest thing that’s not conforming to their standards, this creates a toxic atmosphere within the relationship.

A relationship where there’s no understanding between partners is not a healthy one. Your man or woman should never start from the assumption that you are at fault, that you did something bad intentionally, neither should they discourage you constantly with negative and snarky comments. The most important thing when you need to deescalate a tense situation, or when you need to reach a common ground, is understanding between partners.

Sadly, there are many toxic relationships where one or both partners are selfish and lacking patience. In the case where every little mistake leads to a huge argument, the relationship is obviously meant to fail in the long run.

If partners cannot find the understanding they need in the current relationship, they will feel the need to look for it somewhere else, or they will just avoid open communication in the future. Whatever the outcome, the relationship will grow colder, thus leading to diminished satisfaction. Where there’s no patience, understanding, and communication, a couple’s quality of life together will suffer as well.

Indifference and disinterest

Two other causes that can lead to a worsening of relationships are indifference and disinterest on behalf of one or both partners. They can appear when partners aren’t serious about their relationship, or when the relationship has grown cold and daily routine has settled in. Sometimes, they may be caused by deeper problems, like those already mentioned.

Whatever the case may be, a successful relationship cannot be built upon a lack of interest. On the contrary, a long-term relationship demands vigilance and effort, open discussions, compromise, but also mutual respect.

If both partners treat their relationship as something unimportant, it’s obvious they aren’t serious about it. It’s hard keeping a strong bond and going through life together, if there’s no impulse to fight for their relationship. A relationship that gets no interest is easy to replace.

Moreover, this lack of interest towards the relationship translates into a lack of interest towards the partner. If the person showing disinterest was truly in love with their partner, their attitude towards their relationship would be entirely different. However, it is difficult to show interest towards a person that doesn’t awaken your emotions in any way, especially not the positive ones.

Things can reach this point due to a variety of reasons and you can usually notice this change in attitude after the honeymoon period in your relationship, after the initial spark has died down, and you start getting used to your partner.