

A one-night pussy

Or a one-night dick, take it either way. Today we a going to be talking about casual sex. You know which one I am talking about – the one that goes on during first dates. This libertine behavior is relatively recent. I mean, don’t get me wrong, people used to fuck at first dates before too. But, back then, we were talking about disparate cases, not about trends, like today.

Today we put a lot of price on personal freedom and a lack of responsibility. Everything nowadays is about drinking, smoking some pot or whatever and a lot of dirty casual sex. Everywhere, from clubs to bars to hotels, with 1 or 2 or 3 partners at once and so on. I get how this works, I really do. It is about the fascination of absolute freedom it is.

I think we all get it, because we have all been there at one point. It would be hypocritical not to admit it. But what I want to emphasize is the fact that such a careless lifestyle will end up seriously affecting you on the long run.

The dangers of casual sex

Jordan Peterson, one popular psychologist who has a lot of followers on the internet environment was reflecting on the impact of casual sex and, at one point, was discussing about its minuses, some of which we are not even aware of.

During his discution with a reporter he steered the topic to sexual abuse and rape allegations that take place in the student campuses all over the US. And one of Peterson’s solutions was renouncing to casual sex. We are talking about that type of sex that involves you and a person you’ve just met, during your first date.
This type of sex, combined with alcohol and/or narcoleptic substances can lead to some rather disastrous results, like:

1. Venereal diseases

This is, for the most part, the first problem we tend to notice. The biggest campaigns of raising awareness to problems related to sexual behavior focus on the danger of venereal diseases. That’s because they are easily transmissible, the are plenty to count for and they tend to evolve into severe complications.

2. Rapes

Truly, what can be more damaging to a human being, except perhaps death. There are a lot of rapes going on and, contrary to what people usually think, they involve a lot of alcohol as well. Either concerning the victim, the perpetrator or both. We don’t have too many anti-rape campaigns, because we want to avoid the question “What should a woman do to prevent a rape?”.

Some understand that question as suggesting that rape is normal from a man’s perspective. It is only for women to learn how to avoid them, because men cannot be blamed for their nature. Which is a piece of shit of an argument.

3. Regrettable sexual experiences

These happen more often than you realize. And it all comes down to consuming high quantities of alcohol, at which moment you are bound to make stupid decisions. That is because you can’t think as clear anymore. And, like I said, this shit is pretty frequent. More frequent than we would like.
Like I said, venereal diseases are the most popular sexual related problems of the 3. However, I will argue that it is the latter 2 that usually deliver the biggest impact on the person involved. With rape that is rather obvious, nothing much to argue there.

The real problems appear when talking about the 3rd option. In the US there is already a huge backlash regarding this topic. If you have heard about the online #metoo campaign, you know what I’m talking about. There are quite a few Hollywood actresses that have come forth to accuse different male actors of sexual abuse and even rape.

And, as you might suspect, there are 3 main problems with this campaign:

- The instigate social justice, in the sense that the accuser’s reputation gets tarnished publicly even before of him being proven to be guilty by an appointed judicial entity.

- It has the potential the destroy the accuser’s professional life, because no employer would accept to have its image associated with that of a sexual abuser. Even an unproven one. Sadly, this is how the world functions.

- It creates the idea that it is okay to socially punish those accused on rape or sexual harassment, despite the fact they haven’t been proven as such yet.

How could we solve this problem? Well, it all comes down to the impact of casual sex we were previously talking about.
Stop fucking everybody!
Speaking of regrettable sexual experiences, the worst possible idea you could have is to spread your butt-cheeks to the first motherfucker you meet in the club or on the internet. It is very likely that you will suffer because of that and it all steams off of the fact that sex is anything but trivial. It may seem like it, but it’s not.

Unless you are a prostitute, that is, at which case – it is. But, regardless of how charming your pretender would be, the sex on the first date will most likely create quite a handful of problems for you.

You know how there are women who constantly complain about not finding the right man, about being disappointed of men in general and so on? Well, these are the women who will end up manifesting hatred towards men, especially because they have granted them trust on the first date.

Final word

Here is the deal. You have the freedom to do whatever you like. However, there are certain behaviors that will help you stay out of trouble. Like, for instance, go through several dates before fucking the guy. Maybe 4 or 5 should do it. Take your time and get to know each other.

You are in full control of your body, so show some self-control and you will easily avoid being disappointed on the long run. Obviously, another benefit will be the fact that you will be less likely of experiencing sexual abuse, because you will only have sex with people you know and trust.