

The never-ending talk

This seems, pure and simple, a never-ending topic. I doubt we will ever reach to an agreement regarding the ideal male type, simple because that would mean we have reached to an understanding of women. And I don’t think that’s something we can achieve in the lifespan of the entire human race. Nevertheless, it does seem like there is a specific male type that appeals to women the most.

This article’s topic is inspired by a conversation I have had several days ago, in which 2 women were involved. Them and a white-fucking-knight yes-man-ing them to death, because that’s what a feminist white-knight is supposed to do. But let’s stick to the subject.

Anyway, the conversation had been inspired by the video of a dude whose sole purpose is to cause your testicles to climb back into their abdominal sockets. It was the type of guy deifying women and using phrases like “I was born to serve women and children, as I represent the pure and immaculate masculinity”. You know, intellectual farts you would usually hear in a 15-years old teenager.

Except this guy was in his mid 30s or something. He was a type of handsome hipster who had forgotten to grow up and who was using poetries to express himself, while uniting with the nature and the universe at the same time. I swear to God, that has the be the gayest shit I have seen in the past 2 months at least. Not mentioning gay porn.

So, my original mistake was to state that no serious woman would ever want a long-term relationship with a man like that. A hardcore fucking Saturday night, after a long booze-fueled party at the club? Sure. I am positive that, seeing how this guy looked, a lot of women would have fucked him. But when it comes to long-term sentimental commitments, no way. Not for most adult women.

Obviously, that was a tragic mistake on my part, because I was immediately classified as an egocentric, envy-fueled virgin who will remain a loser and who thinks men should beat on women, because…I have no idea, because fuck logic. Needless to say, I couldn’t care less about the conversation from that point onward.

It was a fucking cringefest.

How does male ideal look like?

Among the wide variety of non-arguments I was bombarded with, one stood out from the crowd. It was the memorable “That guy is getting more pussy in a month than you will be getting in your lifetime”. And I actually said to myself that that may very well be the case. I mean, what woman wouldn’t want to fuck him? He’s good looking, he’s romantic and sensitive, what’s not to like?

Sure, women would have fucked him alright. However, beyond all that sexual attraction, was the guy able to meet long-term expectations? My answer is no and that is for several reasons:

- Even when we are dealing with the extraordinary (in this case, a sensitive, romantic, sentimental handsome guy), we tend to get bored after a while.

- Having all these juvenile qualities, like excessive romanticism, sensitivity and the propensity to that annoying poetic vibe, the guy will most likely seem childish and immature. The women who will not perceive him like that, will eventually fall under the effect of the aforementioned section.

- Women seek stability and safety with their partners. Even more precisely – maturity and masculinity. And guys like that lack them completely.

In other words, the masculine ideal contains only a small dose of romanticism that usually draws teenagers the most. Generally speaking, there are other qualities women seek in their future lifetime partner.

Among these we must include: pragmatism, self-confidence, independence, both financial and intellectual, charisma and power; in short, everything that stands for an alpha male. Like it or not, ladies, after you are done with that initial sexual blaze, this is what you will be looking for, once you have become older and wiser. Which is, at a minimum, pass 35-40 years old, when feminism can no longer replace the need for a happy, stable family every human being craves for.

And which remains a painful desiderate for you, because you have occupied your life with undermining every little chance you may have had in this regard. Instead, you preferred fucking old children, thinking you will never grow old and that the world is a magic place, filled with poetry, romanticism and naked love.


Romanticism? Never again, please!

With tiny-tiny exceptions, all men have undergone the romantic phase. It usually occurs between “complete imbecile” and “too stupid to know anything about the world”, where the latter is the next, more evolved step. Luckily, though, it doesn’t last long. It is in this period where we tend to grow more sentimental because of all the hormones messing up with our brains.

As a result, we become more sensitive and romantic, because evolution has taught us that this is what young women are looking for when at the same age as we are. As we grow older, though, our biology changes and so does our mindset. This means that a mature man, with the mindset of a 16-year old will never have the same sexual prowess he once had. Or, if you will, not with regards to long-term relationships.

And this is because women’s perspectives also change. They are now looking for something else in a man. Do they like romanticism still? Sure, but in different settings. As women age, romanticism will become different. They will rather appreciate a romantic dinner once in a while, or a shopping session with their man, than getting some flowers or a poetry written on a piece of paper.

Hell, they would even consider romantic some pussy eating once in a while, after viewing Titanic for the 159th time. So, if you are a born romantic, you might want to grow up soon and get your shit straight. Staying a teenager for the rest of your life is unlikely to make you desirable on the long run.